Azreen Azeman?

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Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fav kita

Okay guys, here I am. Again! Without anything to keep myself busy, internet is the only thing I have. I can survive without TV but not internet. Era globalisasi kini, isk isk isk :P

Actually I got nothing to write about so sorry lah you guys need to read my crap. Tak suka? Alright, close the tab. Seriously not offended. 

Ha, idea mai dahhh. Favourite. First thing first, of course le pasai makan. Okay, since I am staying in CFS IIUM now, of course lah budget for food pon kena ada. But 2 days ago, I discovered my new favourite food. CREAM CHEESE BUN. This bun memang umphh la gua cakap lu. I never missed to buy these buns for my breakfast + mocha. What to do? I am a bread lover. So I bought 3 packs of bun yesterday and ate it all in just less than 20 hours. If not because of my calculation for food budget yesterday night, today I already having 'em in my locker. Yelah, just imagine my first budget was about RM8-RM10 per day but it became up to RM13 yesterday. So, nak tak nak hari ni kena mogok lapar for bread. For bread je okay? (terbayang cerita Nur Kasih scene room mate Nur ajak pegi makan, tapi dia cakap dah kenyang. Bila room mate dia keluar, dia teros keluarkan roti yang dia simpan). Perasaan yang lebih kurang sama bila tak dapat beli makanan sedap :(

Second, my fav show. Hangpa semua tau kan Running Man? Running Man now became my priority every Tuesday. Ini show wajib tonton tanpa tapisan daripada Finas (okay, cut the crap). Every week Running Man is a must watch show on Tues. Sebab apa Tues? Takde hari lain ke? Memang lah ada hari lain but already set in mind Tues for Running Man day. Furthermore, Running Man latest episode at Korea on air every Sunday. Kita kan dok Malaysia, so lambat 2 hari lah, nak subbing apa semua lagi kan.


1 * Lee Kwang Soo. I don't know why I have this feeling. I just like him. Bukanlah suka sangat but I think Kwang Soo makes the show become more hillarious to watch.
2 * I miss this couple affair on the show and I was captivated by Gary in this show. hehe XD
3 * The reason why I love Running Man, not just the MC and the casts were funny, the special guest also make the audiences cannot stop from laughing (aku leteww :P). Gambar ni latest episode. Rio Ferdinand and Park Ji Sung were on the show! Best tak? Best tak ? *sampai muka seposen mengharap anda mengangguk :P *

okay, enough till here. mengantuk rasa nak tido ahh. hehe, good night and have a nice deep sleep semua nya ehh, esok jangan tak bangun sudahh :P

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