Azreen Azeman?

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Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Architecture and so on

Assalamualaikum people ;)

Yeahh, I'm back ! LOL. 

Haha, well its been such a long time since my last update. cerita pasal running man? Idk what kind of thought yang ada masa tu sampai posting about that. Never mind. hehe. I always have the intention to blogging back ever since last raya but the time yang ada never enough for me to brainstorm, edit pics, etc. My life here just okay with tons of graphic communication (GC) task and never endless classes session. Lacks of sleep is just a normal way of life for Archie students. Sigh

Recently, Archie students need to fill up a streamlining form, a form which we have to rank our inclination over the courses offered at IIUM Gombak. People must thought that students that are taking Architecture course will be the architect later. Well, that's my first thought too. But, as I am in this field (ecece, mcm dah expertise) I discovered that this course offer me so much opportunities, job opportunities of course and it is quite interesting. First, Architecture course. I'm totally out of it since I never get A- for my drawing. But, it just a good start for someone who are not having the basic in Engineering Drawing as well as Art. Like me :P
Architecture needs you to handle such a big scale project and once you involved in it, it would be your total responsibility. 

Next, Applied Arts and Design. I ranked this course as my 1st choice. Why? Okay, basically, under this course, there are professions in Conservation (historical building or place mainly), Interior Design, and Industrial Design. These 3 professions are totally my soul myy jiwa raga minat lah kan. Hahah. But, I still consider whether to take Industrial or Interior as my major. Okay, next what else? hmm, Quantity Surveyor (mostly involved in calculating cost and mathematical aspects and I am really stuck in Math :( ). So anyone who interested in mathematics, costing and so on, are strongly recommended to join this course.

The last 2 are Urban Planning and Landscape. According to my lecturer, she said someone who are involved in Urban Planning must have a political interest and love to write tons of reports.While the Landscape, it is obvious that you must know the scientific name of trees, techniques and etc. But, doesnt mean you are taking Architecture, you only working on that side. Well, an architect sometimes can turn to be landscape architect or interior designer. Its depends on your will and skills. You can make business with 'em right? 

# my first project, workbook cover :)

# need to mention here, I HATE DOING THIS ;/

# currently in love with isometric view of house and need to complete this ASAP. 

#and last but no least, latest, doing this one point perspective in class

p/s : hang out with my besties last Sunday just great although we only went lepak2 and makan2, how nice would my life be. Missing them already :(

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