Azreen Azeman?

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Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yang termampu

Assalamualaikum and hello people! :)

How's your week so far? SPM? For me, enough said that I am so grateful and happy. First, I passed my JPJ test although the annoying JPJ officer keeps silent beside me. Tanya dia pon senyap je. Nasib baik pass! Alhamdulillah. Second, my SPM result. Okay tak payah so excited la setakat dapat 6A 3B je. Chemistry, the one I targeted for A only can get B+. Sorry cikgu Aini for letting you down. Guilty je rasa masa jumpa dia tadi t.t .

But, it was okaylah kan sebab I got A- for Addmath! So happy lah tadi. After meeting with Pn. CT, balik rumah   jumpa my lovely daddy cerita semua benda padahal dia ada je pergi sekolah but I was oblivious enough kononnya to search my dad around. Sigh. And lumrah hidup zaman sekarang, apa-apa je twitter dgn FB. Apa lagi, aku pon selok kera la pegi cakap dekat kawan aku yang Addmath dapat A-. Sebab selama ni apa-apa related to Addmath and any subject mesti jadi one of our chatting topic. Furthermore, he always gave me useful advice and comfort me bila Addmath aku jatuh. Thanks Lee Chen! Tak lupa my favourite teacher ever, Miss Petrina. I e-mailed her about her ex-students's result and cerita semua statistics bagai. Cepat la reply my e-mail teacher, miss you and your lovely congratulatory text t.t

For all SPM leavers, congratulations for all your hard work and the result as well! Bagus ke tak bagus, its okay, yang penting kena struggle for future pula. Banyak lagi chances kat luar sana. :)

p/s: all my gf, I am so happy for you guys! congratulation and thank you for your support. LOVE YOU! :D

Muka mmg tak boleh nervous lagi dah :p

my mate yg semua nak sama! hahah :D

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