Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Special Awesome Friends :D

Assalamualaikum people ^.^

okay, its April now and its time to feed my dearest blog with new entry!! cehh, ingat ini pet blog ke apa nak feeding segala? 

today was super awesome and gonna be one of my fav. day in April ever. Yelahhh kan, all my awesome friends (except Zue and Razin) gathered together after a long time. Yeke? haha, takdalah, actually at first we gonna have a plan to watch movie, biasalah The Hunger Games tengah hot di cinema sekarang, mestilah nak tengok kan. But since most of them arrived a little bit late, so we decided to switch the plan to karaoke at Music Star. It was my first time been there and honestly I kinda didnt like it a lot because kena himpit macam sardin in such a small room with a loud speaker plus Miera beside me (if you know what I mean :P) and and and Hariz yang melalak kuat gila.Justeru itu otak tetiba rasa pening dan serabut. Less than 15 mins later, I went out and bumped into Fawwaz yang asking me bila nak nyanyi, bila nak nyanyi, (haih, aku ni suara kurenggg sikit memang payoh la takut mereka semua tak tahan je :P)

So, instead of enter the room again, aku pon borak2 dengan Tajo and Shaheera kat luar sambil2 karaoke sendiri2 the Sudirman's song sampai Tajo menganjing, last2 tetiba je speaker kuat bila pandang kiri semua pandang aku then rasa sebek sekejap before I realised 'Hello? This is the karaoke place so biarlah cek nak nyanyi kat mana pon'  dan setelah berasa bosan teramat sambil menunggu cikgu Syireen tak sampai2, aku ajak Tajo teman pegi ECM sebab Sunbae (senior) ada kat situ, so lama tak jumpa ingat nak bertegur sapa lah kejap. Tapi, Shaheera and Taqi nak ikut so I got two men escorted me and Shaheera pergi makan and window shopping, heheh (rasa VVIP kejap) . Hari ni memang penat mulut ahh asyik cerita je dengan dorang. Thanks to all of you for making my day :D *tak lupa sponsor transport, cik darling Syiera, terima kasih, duit minyak, next time kasi settle okay? *

BYE BYE! See you in another next entry.

p/s : sekarang kita busy jadi coach netball ex-school team so agak kepenatan nak update entry banyak2. BTW, Happy Belated Birthday to my mum and Ya! I wish I could do the surprise birthday to them successfully tapi biasalah manusia pon ada buat silap. Silap aku? bila buat surprise memang tak menjadi langsung! takpe, takpe, Aaron Aziz menang ponnnn dah okay! eh? sabit? :P

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