Azreen Azeman?

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Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

When someone didnt act as kapitan...huh?

yeah, classes guys!...i knew this upcoming school holidays we having classes..but, not expect lah until leisure times next week booked by mathematics and addmath classes..well, i dont care too much if my holidays ruined by those classes actually..what i care now is my lisence! nak ambil lesen L pon just left a step je, sorry lah my MR HAZIT, most probably, i will not going to the mathematics class on next wedensday...i have to..if not, maybe after school holidays, i have to skip school one day...

okay...kita stop talking about the lisence stuff okay? next topic is...tadaa!..rasa ke'meluat'an terhadap individu nih..what? name? owh..sorry i am not going to expose who is he/she...but, he/she was totally make me and my netball partner bengang tahap maksima!!!!!!!!!!!!! faham tak? maximum level!..hey you! i dont care lah you ade masalah rumah tak bertangga kat rumah ke apa ke..but, still please be professional when come to school...its not fair if you didnt did what the others did...come on! aku pon kene lari jugak...warming up buat jugak...what you guys think if your 'kapitan' didnt do like other do? taulah kau maen star kan...but, its okay lah...if that you really want..fine! but, please dont be nak mengada-ngada cakap penat mase maen eh?...padanlah dengan muka kau penat!

cool down, cool down...okay, i am cool now..nak merepek pasal apa lagi? seminar! well, i was thinking nak attend satu seminar free bank rakyat ni..but, the date of seminar tuh clash with how ha? nak pegi yg free ke berbayar? kena membuka minda sebesar langit ni untuk think stuff like this..ahh, nevermind...apa guna parents kan if tak tanye hal separa kronik macam ni kan?..tak pa na...sat lagi cek pi tanye bapak cek...dia bagi pi ke dak bagi..*kan dah keluar loghat utagra tu*, bye bye lah semua ye? mek nak tubik doh ni..maleh doh nok potpet supo mynah tuh...daaaa!

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