Azreen Azeman?

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Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Like Malcolm, Like Trent

BIG MOMMAS, LIKE FATHER LIKE SON! I watched it yesterday and tergelak-gelak kat seat tu tengok movie ni...haha..opening dia pon dah hillarious dengan scene postman and malcolm berebut letter from University of Duke..beriya la si postman tu nak deliver letter sampai kat mailbox...

No no no mr FBI..I will send this letter straight to your mailbox! -that's not the real dialog lah-

then, when malcolm ni tgh spy on criminals, anak tiri dia, TRENT, follow his stepdad to ask him sign the contract of a recording company...lepas tu, entah macam mana aku nak explain, criminals tu spot si Trent ade kat to protect his son from this villains and to get the drive (proof yg satu-satunya kawan dia ada)...both them have to undercover and enter the art school, sumthinglah...

before and after

so nak tau what's next  ? better catch up yourself okay?...

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