Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday is my birthday???

Hey guys!.....
have u guys feel dats your birthday isnt like a birthday?
it happen to me...seriously, aku rase hari ni macam hari2 persekolahan yg laen..yg berlalu biase saje...sampaikan aku kekadang terlupe mase klas yg ari ni birthday aku...bile orang wish, baru aku tersedar ari ape ari ni...but, itu semua aku rase sekejap je la....tapi kan yang aku rase macam ade rase birthday sket ni pasal my besties classmates yg dah duduk jauh2 (luar pahang) still dont forget to wish my birthday! especially my bez 'abah' class 3 bahagia monitor...dia sanggup nak habeskan prepaid dia tgh2 mlm( around pkul 12 lebih) semata-mata nak call aku n wish happy birthday! tu belum campur lagi semua post kat 'buku muka' yg wish happy birthday sampai penat la jari aku dok type reply yg same je...;p

ha, ape korang akan rase kalau org yg korang rapat wish birthday kt korang? mstla rase so meaningful kan...sumtimes its more meaningful to wish people with sincere than show it via your gift or etc...bukannye aku x appreciate sume gift birthday yg orang bg....tapi aku pon suke jugak bile org lebih sincere dalam memberi ucapan betul tak? yang paling aku suka pasal birthday aku ialah...(jeng jeng jeng)..semua kawan2 aku x lupa nak sedekahkan ucapan HAPPY BIRTHDAY AZREEN! thank u so much syiera, zue, nora, hajar, syireen, hidayah, fawwaz, sai, salihin, fatin, shera o, haniff , yg special razin, yg no 1 parents, kazen, siblings..and and semualah...(including miss petrina too! ;)) u guys make my day so meaningful today n korang dah buat aku rase mmg hari ni birthday aku...n terima kaseh kepada celcom yg bg prepaid percume selame seminggu ;p...


last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YE NORA!

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