Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spill It Out


tonight just let me spill it out...maybe not all of my problems and if you really didnt want to read all these kind of stuff, close the tab

lately, i have been harassed by some kind of stupid feeling and little problem that never end...and i cried a lot because of these stuff. Just like today, few of my friends pissed off because of my stupid and harsh jokes. Maybe I feeling insecure because my best partner I ever had become so close with one of my bestfriends lately. But I dont blame her because it was me that make her feel more comfy to chat with others instead of me.  And the others too. They shared a lot of stories and I always be the last person to know what was happened (because i never ask, and they never tell me bout it). Hence, sometimes that I really want to have chat with you and have you ever felt that when you were so excited to share and talk about something you like but people never pay their attention towards what you said? or their feedback was so-so (memang best cakap dengan meja)I can feel the gap becoming wider as the day passed.

and when your soulmate, the person that you hope to share everything keep bringing up the past that never end thus making you keep it inside...remembered the last time  I said I dont want to share problems with anybody? It works, problems reduced and relationship become as usual but how bout myself? nevermind, I used to it

p/s : I just said what I want to, it comes from the bottom of my heart, maybe my post is influenced by unstable emotion and stress maklumlah nak SPM kan, and so sorry if I offended anyone..


  1. Be strong dear....exam makin nak dekat makin byk ujian...try to focus on one k
