Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Awesome Splendid Weekend.. :)

Olla guys!

it's been a while since my last post huh? so sorrry guys, i've been kinda little busy with a lots of thing..Yes Camp, life and July Test! now, i have time to update segala macam things, LOL...okay,okay this time, i gonna to share what happened for my last weekend...

gosh! i dont know where to start my story...tula, lama sangat tak update blog..-.-
okay, last week, i received a call from AFS...gila kau tak nervous bila dia cakap i was selected for YES Selection Camp!!! i was like 'am i dreaming'? cuz it was a tough competition de...mula-mula Reza got the call, rasa macam envy sbb dia dapat kan...but, then they called me and the best part is my friend from my batch yang pegi interview sama-sama tu, me, Reza and Ken got it...excited kot masa tuh...

the camp was held at Quality Hotel..ala, yang dekat dengan SOGO tuh...the camp? super duper AWESOME dude! make new friends and spent time together although it was only 2 days, really a new and exciting experience for know what, from this camp, i figured out that i can dance!!! Slot yang ada lagu Party Rock Anthem, we have to find our partner and dance partner is Puteri...dahla, ada orang tu kata they were better than us..last-last, Puteri and I jugak boleh dance better than that 2 guys tuh..LOL

so, here you go, some of picca that i got from Sya and Wai Min's album...nak bawak camera, tapi rosak, phone kena off so no choicelah, bantai je main dengan DSLR Wai Min yang cool tu..huhu -.-


we were doing the cheers dude, for our campaign..last minutes punya idea...;p

 okay, i got no idea about this, but KAMAL, thanks for helping us to attract people to come...

 ha, tu dia! tu dia! my battle have no idea how many times i lose to him..;p

chillex! they were not fighting lah..just some demonstration of silat by Hakim and Rain..LOL, Rain jadi victim..



 ni lah Wai Min, or some of my friend called him MINMIN..comel kot name tu captain! sounds like Wonderpet yang cartoon tu..LOL ;p
 thumbs up for my team leader...sporting kot

 from left : Shakira, Lily, Rachel, Puteri and Azreen...Cela? tak tau dia hilang ke mana...

 WHOLESOME AWESOME! miss all of you..hope to see you guys again ----

what special about this camp? of course lah the involvement of 'special people'...and we learnt the sign languages which i never learn before...thanks to Dennis because taught us the sign language...i also learnt how to say MUHANG OKU DIKA which means I LOVE YOU in Kadazan from Rachel, my friend from Sabah...and for the first time in my life, i taste the traditional food from Sarawak, is crispy and nice...

Games? how can i forget the game yang kena create and battle with the other team?? and the Titanic! can you imagine, who the last person left on the boat? First Aid Kit, Architect and Doctor! ada ke patot nak save the Architect and Doctor so that they can reproduce the new generation at the island? LOL! kesian Pregnant Lady, 6-years old child, Hard Labour, Nurse, Matches, and Pizza...huhu..

EXPECT the UNEXPECTED...120 students of YES Selection Camp 2011!

that's all my story for today...have a happy Sunday evening! :)

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