Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



ahhh, rasa lega and happy sangat hari ni...thanks guys for your honesty....i know i was jerk to all of you lately...i am so sorry, i didnt mean to...sorry again Syiera, Zue, Nora, Syireen, Hajar, Anis and Razin...:( (yang lain-lain kalau ada mintak sorry sangat-sangat), aku tau aku salah...

aku pon actually tak faham macam mana aku boleh turn be like that...adakah aku mengalami kecelaruan identiti? owh tidak!!!!!!! i miss my old personality..Abah! help me! you always give me useful advices bila ada situation macam ni...rindu pulak kat kau, Maya ngan Fikree lah! 

thanks again korang...sebab nilah our friendship be so special...please bagitau apa yang tak kena kat aku okay? korang kenal kan aku mcm mana...i love you all...just left one person to be confront and then baru totally lega...waiting for you...

p/s : trying to balance my attitude yang dulu and sekarang...hope menjadi...

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