Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hang out with putrajaya boy, HANIFF

alright...posting hari ni nak coret moret sikit (or maybe banyak) about what happened pon blog..nak post ape lg kalau bukan things begini kan..

ding dong! my alarm woke me up at 7 am in the morning...but, i only get up 10 minutes after usual,..:)
i jumped from my double decker bed and rushing to the toilet to take my shower...malang tidak terhidu...suddenly...lalalala lalala...dalam hati*siapa pulak la yg guna toilet pagi-pagi ni? rasenye semua cuti hari ni...sape yg mandi awal sangat ni?*...setapak sebelum melangkah masuk dalam toilet...QAYYUM! ADIK YG MANDI RUPANYA...CEPAT SIKIT! KAKAK NAK MASUK! kecil tu dengan petah memreply...QAYYUM NAK MANDI NI..KEJAP LA...sudahnya after 15 minutes waiting for him, he came out dengan face tersengih2...huh, bapok lamenye kau mandi qayyum...berendam ke ape?...

before enter...i looked at the clock...7.25 am? I AM LATE FOR THE CLASS!...budak kecil ni mandi awal2 macam nak pegi skola je...padahal tidak ke mane-mane pon....

8.00 AM...
I drove my oldy blue motocycle to school but 10 meters away, i just only saw 1 motocycle and a car outside...hmm, ramai x dtg lagi, i decided to go SEVEN ELEVEN to buy mineral water and some sweets...after got what i wanted, my manje2 oldy motocycle tu membuat ragam...dalam hati* jgnlah kau mati kat depan kedai ni....TAPI...lucky me theres a kindly uncle help me to start the motor...uncle tu start pon x hidup jugak..but after 4,5 attempts...tergiang-giang lagu...WE ARE THE CHAMPION...WE ARE THE CHAMPION..BLA BLA BLA...haha, oh yeah, uncle! u did it...tukar channel pulak..keluar lagu..dalam cartoon Dora the Explorer...WE DID IT, WE DID IT, WE DID IT..HOORAY!...haha..okay uncle...thanks ya...okay azreen stop being ridiculous! !

8.30 AM (around lah)
I parked my motor outside (because tiade lisence..hehe..;p)..and menyusun steps ke kelas.. i thought i the last be there but masuk skola je...aku tgk banyak lah manusia yg berdiri bertenggek outside the class....siapa lagi? my classmates la...tetapi...ade yg lagi lambat rupanya...ceh, membazir je aku rase cemas tadi...;p
then, our mathematics teacher, mr hazit pon baru datang..and the class started...

9.00-11.15 AM kot?
bla bla bla...after did a test, we ended our class at 11.15...earlier than i, nak balik lah kan..buat ape berlame2 di sekolah...but, my my nurul syahirah suddenly...

syiera : kejap lah...aku cakap kt mak aku balik pukul 12.30...
azreen : abes tu mcm mane? 
syiera : temankanlah aku kejap...okay?
azreen, nora n zue : okay..

then, we walked together to the bus stop..teringat mase take bus home at bandar, terase jadi busteng kejap..haha..apelah kan...? after that, ANIS! kau x balik lagi ke? kau tunggu siape? anis reply, my mum lah..owh okay...after being busteng for a few minutes, HANIFF yg kitaorg miss gila-gila since he duduk kt putrajaya ni ajak pegi makan...ala, haniff..y u dont tell me earlier? my daddy only gave me RM 3 je this morning, n in my purse only have RM4.20...haniff pon cakap, ala, aku pon ade RM2 je ni...nora n zue pon same..then syiera menyampuk..takpe takpe..aku bawak duet sikit...jom kita pegi makan! kami pon lega gila lah...thanks syiera! u are my savior! no no no..our savior! haha

we had our late breakfast...skali lunch kot? at kedai hassan...but before that, my manje2 motor sekali lagi meragam...x nak hidup! so, i asked syiera to call haniff to come and take a look at my manje manje motor..just after the call ended, miracle! motor tetibe je hidupp...tau pon kau motor nak hidup...malulah tu aku panggil haniff...sbb haniff selalu tengok2kan kau kan? tau pon malu...haha*azreen dh start merepek*

after that, on our way, syiera asked me to u turn and tell zue n nora to keep walking to the stall...kecian mereka..kau lah ni syiera!...tapi tapi, tetibe je razin joined us...sekali dengan fawwaz, syiera, haniff, nora n zue..including setibanya aku kat stall tu...

Azreen : Razin! u have to treat me! I only have RM 4.20!
Razin : Okay..that's the point...

haha..pitty him have to treat me kan? well, if i have the money, tak nak pon suruh razin belanja...but, duit kat rumah..aiyooo!..after we had a long chat, nora nak i sent her home, but my motor tetibe je jadi giler...gegar!...aku pon..relax azreen...relax? dah la tinggal fon kat kedai skali dgn bag...kalo accident ke langgar batu ke kau nak mintak tolong sape ha? i have to drive my motor carefully..more carefully than answering the addmath question...
alhamdulillah...selamat sampai ke destinasi...sampai sampai je...HANIFF! TGK MOTOR AKU NI...TAKOT LA NAK BAWAK!...haniff pon tgk..then, dya bglah i was hah? n okay je,,
before balik, syiera suruh tunggu..azreen pon okay...rupanye mummy syiera nak bikin itu surpriselah...nak jumpa bakal calon menantu..haha...okay..x nak cerita detail...

nak balik, takotlah nak bawak motor ni...zue pon bg suggestion suruh razin send me home with my motor lah...then, before sempat reply, zue pon..razin! teman azreen balik...wah bagosla kau ni zue...jadi jurucakap aku pulak eh...?? so razin nak drive motor tu n i was okay je...after bg instructions how to drive that crazy manje manje motor...kami pon do haniff and fawwaz...syiera n zue have to wait for syiera's, balik hari nin dengan selamat..alhamdulillah...

nak pegi pasar malam! motor buat x jadilah..tetiba je my daddy baek hati nak hantar pegi pasar malam...hantar je okay...tak ikut pon...thanks daddy! love u! haha...
okay..tu je lah ceritanye...esok nak balik kampung!! so to ARIF, KAK AEN, JIHAH, SHERAN, KAK NANA, ADAM N OTHERS WAIT FOR ME YA!

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