Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Just give a give me a reason to back on track, huh? LOL hihi

Assalamualaikum folks out there!

Havent update anything for almost half of the year guys! So lama gila! And me now yet so extremely busy since it is my final semester (hopefully) here. Seriously I dislike semester 3. Totally dislike. My projects semua ntah apa-apa, drawing semua berkecai, nasib baik bab coloring okay. Even right now, I got coloring assignment on my drawing to do but biasalah diriku ini pantang ada masa free, melingkar mata depan lappy je la. and and tomorrow, last paper! last payyperrr!!! Understanding Islam. May Allah ease everything, cant wait to get out from here. List what to do after foundation pun dah banyak gila dalam kepala ni. Just a week left, cant wait but at the same time sad la kan sebab semua my awesome friends entah dapat jumpa lagi ke tak kat UIA Gombak nanti. oh ya btw, last Friday night I went to my first ever Annual Grand Dinner and yet it was so fun!!! Aku tak taulah kan mungkin faktor penganjuran di luar campus yang buat benda ni jadi fun, but it was a success AGD for AED-ians. Theme for this AGD colorful, so macam-macam style yang ada malam tu. The best part of course la Arabian cuisine dia, Ya Allah sumpah sedap gila! Banyak benda pulak tetiba nak cerita kat sini. Lain kalilah ye, aku janji! Sekarang tiada masa banyak sangat so I leave you out some of the very latest picture of me, tuddles :)

some of pics masa Annual Grand Dinner and one was taken 2 days ago. Nanti cerita eh? byeee :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our madness, our Studio

Assalamualaikum people :)

Wah, sudah lama jariku tidak menaip di laman ini. Sangat rindu tapi pemalasnya.. Ya Allah... Sudah Azreen, lupakan segala laman sesawang yang melalaikan, mari menunaikan janji yang lama terpateri untuk publish post pasal studio.

As I'm having my short sem break right now, selalu teringat-ingat je kat studio, studio mates and lecturers. Rindu nya kat diorang but after realizing yang studio related to GC, ohhh mann, perosak rindu je. :p Disebabkan more contact hours to spent in studio, so we meet each other often, i mean everyday, dari pagi sampai malam dok ulang tayang muka yang sama je. So itu yang buat kitaorang more closer and more open to share anything related to life, study and so on. Tapi kalau tahap personal problem tu maybe need more time lah kan. 

Relationship? Alhamdulillah, semua okay. Adalah selisih pendapat sikit-sikit tapi its normal la kan. As human being, aku kena accept people's differences, either their opinion or their character. Kalau tak boleh accept, bawak-bawak la berbincang ye mak jemah. This variety actually give us the color of life, as well as experiences sebab bila kita jumpa ramai orang, at least kita tau lah kan macam mana nak handle these kind of people, how life should be, ambil yang baik buat teladan kata orang dahulukala. Cewahh :P

I love my studio. Ada lecturer yang understanding, macam cikgu tolong tunjukkan semua, studio mates yang happening, environment studio yang err sihat? hahah. Tapi walaupun lecturer tunujukkan tapi ianya taklah detail. So if I'm lacking information, no understanding at all ke, I glad there are people can lend me their hands. Thanks to Fatimah, Ersyad, Fatinsss (sebab ada 3 fatin dalam studio kan :P), Luqman, Khadijah, and lastly Adli yang tak bebal nak ajar aku, so that dapatlah aku bernafas mengharungi this semester. (eh,eh macam speech menang awards ni apehal?)

Perkara yang paling aku tak suka masa studio (selain berbahas opinion dengan Ad) ialah lecturer masuk before aku. I just hate when I get in class, lecturer dah start giving lecture and I pon baru nak duduk, keluarkan pen, drawing block, pencils and other tools perlahan-lahan tanpa ada sound konon tak nak ganggu lecture. Ya, aku selalu lambat masuk studio sebab pukul 2 baru nak keluar bilik, jalan-jalan menapak koridor, mandaki tangga, walaupun dah lalu shortcut still akan lewat 6-8 mins. And lecturer Mdm Rabeah never, I told ya, never late more than 3 mins except for any emergency ke apa. Yang geram bila pegi awal, sampai studio takde orang, lihat jam oh, its 2pm sharp, dengan bangga duduk dengan happily tanpa segan silu nak control apa-apa and ready nak belajar but then Mdm masuk 20 mins later.or worse, class cancel =.='

some of my studio girls ;)

So, for studio subject, GC we were not having exam but it had been replaced by Portfolio Presentation Day. Hari tu ada apa? Itulah hari di mana kau akan buat exhibition teragung all of work assignments and task during class so all 17 panels can judge your improvement, understanding and neatness of work and then giving final marks. Bapak nervousnya wehh, my studio lecturer gave me B for my overall works, tapi 17 panels yang lain tak taulah kan. Grade tu boleh turun dan naik, it means the grade yang studio lecturer bagi tu tak valid lagilah. Dia akan buat assessment based on your effort, effort yang can be seen through your neatness, and understanding. So, anybody yang kena redo balik tu, itulah effort yang dia nak tengok, ada improvement ke or still di takuk lama? Kalau dapat grade bagus, berbaloilah segala kepayahan menahan kelopak mata jatuh saat-saat malam terakhir, berbaloilah berlapar sampai 5 pagi menunggu abg delivery mc Donald's membawakan breakfast set ke studio, berbaloilah segala task yang kena redo semata-mata nak grade bagus dan berbaloilah melihat orang lain terutama Syahirah, Adli and Ersyad melalak dan bergembira sambil aku struggle untuk siapkan kerja di dalam studio (eh,eh,eh? ) memang, memang berbaloi. 

mereka punya, cantik kan?

and this is mine, looks simple, but miserable (if you look closer)

we got our own theme, Blue and I love it! 
Our madness, our Studio :D

p/s : rumours spread, tomorrow the final exam results will be coming out! okay, relax Azreen, permudahkan segalanya, Ya Allah :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Architecture and so on

Assalamualaikum people ;)

Yeahh, I'm back ! LOL. 

Haha, well its been such a long time since my last update. cerita pasal running man? Idk what kind of thought yang ada masa tu sampai posting about that. Never mind. hehe. I always have the intention to blogging back ever since last raya but the time yang ada never enough for me to brainstorm, edit pics, etc. My life here just okay with tons of graphic communication (GC) task and never endless classes session. Lacks of sleep is just a normal way of life for Archie students. Sigh

Recently, Archie students need to fill up a streamlining form, a form which we have to rank our inclination over the courses offered at IIUM Gombak. People must thought that students that are taking Architecture course will be the architect later. Well, that's my first thought too. But, as I am in this field (ecece, mcm dah expertise) I discovered that this course offer me so much opportunities, job opportunities of course and it is quite interesting. First, Architecture course. I'm totally out of it since I never get A- for my drawing. But, it just a good start for someone who are not having the basic in Engineering Drawing as well as Art. Like me :P
Architecture needs you to handle such a big scale project and once you involved in it, it would be your total responsibility. 

Next, Applied Arts and Design. I ranked this course as my 1st choice. Why? Okay, basically, under this course, there are professions in Conservation (historical building or place mainly), Interior Design, and Industrial Design. These 3 professions are totally my soul myy jiwa raga minat lah kan. Hahah. But, I still consider whether to take Industrial or Interior as my major. Okay, next what else? hmm, Quantity Surveyor (mostly involved in calculating cost and mathematical aspects and I am really stuck in Math :( ). So anyone who interested in mathematics, costing and so on, are strongly recommended to join this course.

The last 2 are Urban Planning and Landscape. According to my lecturer, she said someone who are involved in Urban Planning must have a political interest and love to write tons of reports.While the Landscape, it is obvious that you must know the scientific name of trees, techniques and etc. But, doesnt mean you are taking Architecture, you only working on that side. Well, an architect sometimes can turn to be landscape architect or interior designer. Its depends on your will and skills. You can make business with 'em right? 

# my first project, workbook cover :)

# need to mention here, I HATE DOING THIS ;/

# currently in love with isometric view of house and need to complete this ASAP. 

#and last but no least, latest, doing this one point perspective in class

p/s : hang out with my besties last Sunday just great although we only went lepak2 and makan2, how nice would my life be. Missing them already :(

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fav kita

Okay guys, here I am. Again! Without anything to keep myself busy, internet is the only thing I have. I can survive without TV but not internet. Era globalisasi kini, isk isk isk :P

Actually I got nothing to write about so sorry lah you guys need to read my crap. Tak suka? Alright, close the tab. Seriously not offended. 

Ha, idea mai dahhh. Favourite. First thing first, of course le pasai makan. Okay, since I am staying in CFS IIUM now, of course lah budget for food pon kena ada. But 2 days ago, I discovered my new favourite food. CREAM CHEESE BUN. This bun memang umphh la gua cakap lu. I never missed to buy these buns for my breakfast + mocha. What to do? I am a bread lover. So I bought 3 packs of bun yesterday and ate it all in just less than 20 hours. If not because of my calculation for food budget yesterday night, today I already having 'em in my locker. Yelah, just imagine my first budget was about RM8-RM10 per day but it became up to RM13 yesterday. So, nak tak nak hari ni kena mogok lapar for bread. For bread je okay? (terbayang cerita Nur Kasih scene room mate Nur ajak pegi makan, tapi dia cakap dah kenyang. Bila room mate dia keluar, dia teros keluarkan roti yang dia simpan). Perasaan yang lebih kurang sama bila tak dapat beli makanan sedap :(

Second, my fav show. Hangpa semua tau kan Running Man? Running Man now became my priority every Tuesday. Ini show wajib tonton tanpa tapisan daripada Finas (okay, cut the crap). Every week Running Man is a must watch show on Tues. Sebab apa Tues? Takde hari lain ke? Memang lah ada hari lain but already set in mind Tues for Running Man day. Furthermore, Running Man latest episode at Korea on air every Sunday. Kita kan dok Malaysia, so lambat 2 hari lah, nak subbing apa semua lagi kan.


1 * Lee Kwang Soo. I don't know why I have this feeling. I just like him. Bukanlah suka sangat but I think Kwang Soo makes the show become more hillarious to watch.
2 * I miss this couple affair on the show and I was captivated by Gary in this show. hehe XD
3 * The reason why I love Running Man, not just the MC and the casts were funny, the special guest also make the audiences cannot stop from laughing (aku leteww :P). Gambar ni latest episode. Rio Ferdinand and Park Ji Sung were on the show! Best tak? Best tak ? *sampai muka seposen mengharap anda mengangguk :P *

okay, enough till here. mengantuk rasa nak tido ahh. hehe, good night and have a nice deep sleep semua nya ehh, esok jangan tak bangun sudahh :P