Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

When It comes to Hallyu Waves...

Assalamualaikum and annyeonghaseyo! :)

I have no idea to write anything and I am so jealous dengan sesiapa di luar sana yang memang tak kering idea and manage to stick your fingers yang mulus tuh on the keyboard and just write whatever cross in mind...tabik sepering lah!!!

and because of today memey i plan nak mengarut lebih-lebih so I am gonna start with my addiction with Korean stuff..heheh :P (tengoklah kat atas, tetiba nak greet people with korean language pulak) . okay, I know that some of you maybe like me jugak suka korea, ada yang tak langsung macam classmate saya, and some yang tak kisah and boleh layan je macam classmate saya jugak. Sorry for those who didnt get much into these kinda mengarut thingy ye..

Okay, I still remember when I went to AFS Camp few months ago, adalah activity dia suruh tulis atas kertas macam the person you admire or I want to date with who (more to write about someone that you admire lah rasanya and why)...So, since I really addicted to CN BLUE's vocalist, Jung Yong Hwa, so I wrote on a piece of paper that I wanna meet him and spent my whole day with him because I love his look and he is talented and able to composed songs and sing! tengok betapa gilanya diriku terhadap korean song -.-...then we have to read our dream or whatever rubbish thing yang kitaorg tulis tadi kuat-kuat..GILA! malu kot! First, I heard Tasha read hers and she said she really admire Thomas Addison because of his geniuses create something for our life such as light bulb? then, Wai Min said he really want to meet Frank Lampard and want to be like him..moreover he loves Chelsea!! one of my favourite football club tuh.


JUNG YONG HWA FROM CN BLUE...semua lagu CN BLUE aku suka...apa? tak suka? takpelah, kau minat bende lain kan..

I waiting for my turn patiently but actually you have to volunteer yourself but since I was quite shy so I decided to be the 4th of 5th person lah...masa turn aku, I read my writing and suddenly the volunteer, Arif asked me ' who is Yong Hwa?' then there were some voices including me answering that CN BLUE is the Korean Pop, hanya Tuhan saja yang tau betapa menyesal aku masa tuh sebab tulis pasal dia and bila dengar Tasha and Wai Min and others wrote about orang yg betul2 tokoh, aku macam 'why I not thinking about it?'

but, after heard Tasha voice, I was like ????...then I asked them, 'who here the K-Pop lover?'. Surprisingly, ramai yang hands up! that's including Tasha! tetiba pulak dia kabor BIG BANG! so I was like, serious lah, kau chinese minat korean jugak? then, dia cakap BIG BANG-LOVE SONG...budak kat sebelah aku pon sibuk menyampuk cakap SUPER JUNIOR! apa lagi, dengan semangatnya, kami pon menjerit selok dengan mentioned several songs by those groups sampai Arif said 'okay,okay, Azreen, you may proceed'..hahah
teros tarik balik rasa menyesal tulis pasal Yong Hwa..heheh

so, sejak dari itulah baru aku tau korean songs ni bukan orang Melayu je yang minat seperti yang terpapar di FB ramai Melayu yang post korean video tuh..chinese pon enjoy jugak...takdelah aku ni macam lame je minat bende mcm tuh kan...but the funny thing masa kitaorang kena baca tuh kan, theres a boy said that I want to be like MEGATRON! hahah, kau bayangkan orang lain sibuk buat pasal football idol, singers, Thomas Addison segala bagai, dia boleh terfikir nak tulis pasal MEGATRON? adoyai...

back to topic, my classmates pon ramai dah influenced by hallyu waves ni...tapi ada yang tak minat langsung macam partner yg duduk sebelah lah, aku bagi link, kalo dia rajin, dia dengar kalo tak haram...tapi lately ni dia suka Nickhun from 2PM. I was like 'bukan kau tak suka korea ke?' then, baru tau dia suka sebab Nickhun cute bila tengok iklan mamat tuh makan baskin robbins. cehh

iklan ice-cream baskin robbins

tapi, tak kurang jugak yang suka sambil hafal dance steps group girl k-pop...tak nak mention nama, buat malu pulak nanti, pompuan takpe lagi..tapi ni lelaki! XOXO...anyway, by looking the 'anyeonghaseyo' word for second time, baru teringat my dad selalu menganjing dengan menyebut 'anithsayor, anithsayor' kecian nama anith dijadikan mangsa..huhu

hmm, i think korang pon dah jemu scroll down bende merepek ni, so lets just enjoy the video below Lucky by Jason Mraz, cover by Jung Yong Hwa...sapa yang tak suka tuh, tolonglah dengar version ni dulu...I more prefer this version than the original one..enjoy! 

 ENJOY! ;)

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