Azreen Azeman?

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Entry Tertunggak

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!!!!

after quite a while tak update apa-apa pon , hari ni sbb rajin and tak busy dengan homework (kononnya) kita update what happened for a past agak-agak couple weeks ago..

okay, first i am going to share my very short holiday at Kelantan (my kampung)...actually, we had to send my sister, Alea to her asrama and her school is located at Pengkalan Chepa, somewhere in Kelantan too!...what i can conclude is i had a splendid weekend with my family, my cousins and my uncle and aunty...ingat lagi, kelantan was in the final FA Cup at that moment, so kerajaan negeri announced that Sunday is public holiday...mcm dah confirm je akan menang kan? kecian je alea and my cousin, Jiha kena patah balik sbb cuti ditambah sehari lagi...well, we had such a great moment together..pergi tali air, tengok my uncle punye kolam ikan and picnic (not picnic actually..lepak je) dekat tepi sungai, tengok soccer match kelantan vs terengganu...besttt sangat..

 tengok kolam ikan pakcik....he done it all by himself i think..

 we did a little gotong-royong nak bina sangkar ikan pakcik...yeah, itu amalan mulia..*iklan*

 alolo, love for who? is it double A??? oppssyyy

 saya ahli pasukan polis marin yg baru direkrut!!! hoho..;p

kesumbatan melanda...haha..okay, posing what?

next destination : SUNGAI!!!! okay, actually MUARA sungai je...;p

 muara sungai kecik je wei...

our best moment together...:D

mummy and mok yah tersayang..hey, soul sista!!!!! hahah

here the next is about my AFS Interview...seriouslyyy, it was awesomeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! meeting new friends which are so warmly and friendly make my day!!!...Nice meeting you guys, Niraj, Chiro, Ken and Nadiah..not forget the volunteers too!!! (Dave, JayJay, Ke Xin (am i right?), Miss Sushi *sorry, i forget your name but i just vividly remember your nickname given by Niraj..haha* ) you guys are rock!!!! we did some activities which getting us closer and fun! my interview? well, i think it went quite well and what can i concluded from it : this year is much better and enjoyable interview than last year...i dont mind if i not selected cuz for me the experience went for interview is useful for the future..job hunting definitely waiting for me years from now..hahah

the picture make my feel silly and laugh at the same time...seriously, my posing was too much kot...:O

 goodbye everyone!!!!!!...:(

lepas daddy picked up us kitaorang berempat *me, daddy, miera and anith* went for lunch tajaan Encik Azeman di Black Stone Beach (ayah aku yg ckp okay..haha, padahal name PANTAI BATU HITAM je)...disebabkan kat tepi pantai yang angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa tu ada nasi ayam je yang aku rasa best sikit..kitaorg pon order je la nasi ayam..

dan tidak lupa minum ABC (air batu campur)..abah minum Laici Kang..

yeah..yeah... i am at Black Stone Beach..having lunch with my daughters and their friend....tak boleh la ckp Black Stone Beach..macam tak boleh komersial lagi ke?? haha

okaylah...that's all for today...nanti-nantilah ade mase update lg..bye!

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