Azreen Azeman?

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Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
yes, i have a short name but so grateful that people can easily recognise me as Azreen, no other names. (except for 'nama manja' :P)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour

hello guys! yeah, Earth Hour! Did you switch off your light just now for an hour? Its good if you did..but not can i simply forget to switch off light tadi? semangat la set in mind nak join sekali tonight macam years before when i saw farah AF2 kat Nasi Lemak Kopi O cakap yang malam ni Earth Hour...tapi dah terlepas, nak buat macam mana?..its okay, still can do it next year..kan kan? besides, to save our Earth doesnt mean we only have to do on Earth Hour right?

Love Earth? Show your love!

biarlah dah terlepas pon, nak letak jugak picture ni..

google pon reti nak bergelap masa Earth Hour...

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